Saturday, April 16, 2011

GAGA SAVES THE DAY! Judas Released Four Days Early!!!

Lady GaGa

An Oopsie or really??

Due for release next week only - The much anticipated "Judas" by Lady GaGa has leaked on the interweb yesterday. But we all know Mother Monster never backs down - After all, she is the most successful Artist at the moment and now she has "Judas" to prove her point!

In response to the leak of the soundtrack, Lady GaGa set for immediate availabity of the track on itunes - marking it 4 days earlier than its official release date. Funny how, (and if you know your bible well) Judas betrayed Jesus FOUR days before Easter i Googled that tee hee hee

Alot of people say that Lady GaGa had this planned so yeah... Maybe it is!

BELOW: Lady GaGa flaunts a "Get Out of HELL free Card"

Lady Gaga - PicMe

....ah yes - there is controversy with the video, but with GaGa there's always controversy right? I have below - a portion of the article taken from NME ONLINE:

The clip, which implies that full video
will be unveiled on April 19, ends with
the words: "'Judas' is coming. Let the cultural baptism begin."

The video hasn't gone down well with The Catholic League For Religious
and Civil Rights , which claimed it is a stunt timed to coincide with its
forthcoming Easter celebrations.

President Bill Donahue commented: "People have real talent, and then
there is Lady Gaga . I find Gaga to be increasingly irrelevant.

"Is this the only way to jet up her
performance? This isn't random, we
are getting closer to holy week and

how interesting....uhm err...yeah.

Also i managed to get a SnapShot of the Album art of GaGa's new album

Take a looksee...

Cover Art - Album Lady GaGa

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