Friday, May 6, 2011

Egg Pelter at Justin Bieber Sydney concert gets arrested

Whenever i think of Justin Bieber, i feel like its appropriate to burst out laughing at the hilarity that's happened in Sydney a few days ago. Good news is that the situation has now been sorted out. So... Uhm lets get done with this post & on with our lives. :P

The 17year old who pelted Justin with egg's while performing on stage, was arrested yesterday after police said him a little visit at his good before taking him to the local police station.

The little critter (actually a hero to me...) was then charged with breaking and entering, trespass and
malicious damage - after he apparently broke into Sydney's Acer Arena on the night of April 29 and threw eggs at Bieber.

Well according to the press & witnesses at the concert ALL of the eggs failed to hit Justin. Lucky kid!!

Justin Bieber - Vanity Fair
ABOVE: Justin Bieb's showing off in Vanity Fair's February Edition

Meanwhile the eggthrower who cannot be named as he is infact a MINOR, will face charges at a Sydney childrens court on June 2. He has been released on bail.

Well so lets see how this plays off...


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