Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How CELEBRITIES reacted to Osama Bin Laden's death via Twitter

ABOVE: Celebrations at the White House on announcement of Osama's death.

As news of Osama Bin Laden's death broke...first on twitter obviously - then when President Obama made this official announcement, there has been reactions from alot of celebrities.

BELOW: Clad in the Colours of the flag, this supporter among thousands celebrate Osama Bin Laden's death


Well some happy, sad,indifferent, confused, dazed or just poking fun at this HUGE news, i have 20 tweets from various artists showing their response to this:

@KatyPerry: I believe in justice... but don't u think that an eye for an eye
will make the whole world blind? #revolutioncomesthroughlove #worldpeace

@Questlove: I hope those rejoicing can hear O's words that to engage in
anti Islam/Muslim rhetoric is missing the point

@Rihanna: Rumpupupum Rumpupupum Rumpupupuuum #ManDown

@youngfollowill (Kings of Leon's
Jared Followill): The guy who shot Osama is about to get SO laid.

@AdamLevine: I dont know how I feel about "celebrating" death. But im just glad this happened during a good man's presidency. #potentialspark

@SimonJCLeBON (Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon): The death of #obl does not inspire me to celebrate, rather to mourn the many who've died in this pointless conflict of ideals.

@ChrisColfer ("Glee" co-star):
I was wondering why my White House tour was cancelled today...

@MissKeriBaby (Keri Hilson): I don't know about you, but I'm stayin
prayed UP!! A lot has been happening on this dear earth at an unusually frequent pace.

@NickSLachey: Ding dong, the witch is dead!! It only took nearly 10 years, but bin laden is dead. The world is a
better place my friends.....

Lil Twist @LilTwist: Barrack Obama IS A EDUCATED GANGSTA!!! Its like he knows all the right words to say lol...
Just seen the speech.... wow speechless lol

@BenjaminMadden (Good
Charlotte's Benji Madden):
How bad do you think President Obama wanted to say BoOoyah Son!!!??! at the end of his speech tonight? Probably really bad!"

Snoop Dogg @SnoopDogg: RIP to everybody who was taken on 911. Let the troops back home n lower gas prices let's live happily ever after!!

@TheRealJordin (JordinSparks): Ground Zero...I can feel the energy through my tv. It's electrifying. #wow
#historic #proudtobeanAmerican.

@PeteWentz: wow obama 1, 2 punch: lion king video then osama dead. seriously i wanna see who runs in 2012...

Haley Williams @yelyahwilliams (Paramore's Haley Williams):
#nowplaying "Party In The USA" - Miley Cyrus

@Maxwell: for the victims, the soldiers & the families who suffer loss or wait even now for the return of loved ones #THANKYOU

BELOW: Celebrations in Times Square


so there you have it, mixed reactions from celebs we well...uhh kinda look up to.

Source: Billboard Online

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